The Red Narrow Line is a documentary film directed by Farzad Khoshdast, which was made based on the theory of psychodrama with the aim of drama therapy, and its production lasted for four years. After its premiere at the 37th Fajr International Film Festival, this film was able to receive the Netpack Award as the first Iranian documentary.
Cast :
ِِِDirector : Farzad Khoshdast
Actors : Tomaj Danesh Behzadi and Farhad Aslani, Hengameh Ghaziani, Afshin Hashemi, Arash Absalan, Amir Dezhakam, Yasarkhasab
Cinematography director: Morteza Poursamadi thanks to Farzin Khosrowshahi
Sound engineer: Mahmoud Kashani
Editor: Arash Zahedi Asl
Director Assistant : Reza Ghaziani
Sounding and mixing: Behrouz Shahamt - Shahit Khakpour
Composer: Saba Nadai
Makeup: Mohammad Reza Abbasi
Set and decor designer: Mohammad Reza Mohadi
Mask design: Sahar Begi
Making the mask: Amin Jarrah Bashi Razavi
Costume designer: Elham Shabani